Meeting place Leiden

Directions by car
Navigate to: Parking Level Leiden, Bargelaan 200, 2333 CW Leiden. You can park in the car park on floor -1 or -2.  After parking you can enter the building via entrance B and can take the lift or stairs to the ground floor (0). On the ground floor you can take the middle or right lift to go to the 6th floor, Reception Element Offices.

Public transport
If you plan to use public transport, there is Loop vanaf het busstation, door het station naar de westzijde (kant van het LUMC).Bij buitenkomst zie je aan delinkerhand het gebouw LEVEL waar jenaar binnen kunt.

From the bus platform at Leiden Central Station, you can walk through the station towards the west side (LUMC Hospital). After exiting the station you will see the building LEVEL on your left. After entering the building, walk towards elevators B. On the ground floor use the middle or right elevator to go to the sixth floor, Reception Element Offices.

Location information
Meeting place Leiden

Visiting address

Bargelaan 200
2333CW, Leiden

Postal address

Postbus 2020
2301 CA, Leiden