Complaints procedure

Article 1 definitions

In this complaints procedure the following terms have the following meanings:

  1. Complaint: any written expression of dissatisfaction by or on behalf of the client directed at the lawyer or the persons working under the responsibility of an attorney regarding the acceptance and/or the performance of the agreement , the quality of the services or the amount of the invoice, not being a complaint as referred to in section 4 of the Dutch Regulated lawyers Act (“Advocatenwet”);
  2. Complainant: the client or his/her representative expressing a complaint;
  3. The board: one of the board members registered in the Chamber of Commerce of La Gro.

Article 2 scope

  1. This complaints procedure applies to any agreement between La Gro and the client.
  2. Every attorney at La Gro is responsible for handling complaints in accordance with this complaints procedure.

Article 3 purpose

The purpose of this complaints procedure is to:

  1. Establish a procedure for handling complaints from clients in a constructive manner within a reasonable period of time;
  2. Establish a procedure to determine the causes of the client’s complaints;
  3. Maintain and improve existing relationships by handling complaints properly;
  4. Train employees of La Gro to respond to complaints in a client-oriented manner;
  5. Improve the quality of services by using a complaints procedure and complaint analysis.

Article 4 information at the start of the service

  1. This complaints procedure has been made public by publication on the website of La Gro. The lawyer informs the client before or upon entering into the agreement that the firm has an office complaints procedure and that itsprovisions applyto the services.
  2. Complaints as referred to in Article 1 of this complaints procedure that have not been resolved via this complaints procedure can be submitted to the Dutch Legal Complaints Committee (“GeschillencommissieAdvocatuur; address:postbus 90600; 2509 LP The Hague; Bordewijklaan 46 (2nd floor), 2591 XR The Hague; Telephone: +31 (0)70 310 53 10). The Dutch Legal Complaints Committee handlesthe case in accordance with the Regulations for the Dutch Legal Complaints Committee applicable at the time of submitting the complaint to theCommittee. The regulations are published on: The regulations can also be requested from the Dutch Legal Complaints Committee.

Article 5 internal complaints procedure

  1. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the quality of the service or the amount of the invoice, he/she will first discuss this matter with his/her own lawyer. The complaint must be submitted within three months after the moment when thecomplainant became known or reasonably could have known of the act or omission that gave rise to the complaint.
  2. If consultation with his/her own lawyer does not lead to a solution, the complainant can submit his complaint to the board of La Gro. The board shall discuss the matter with the lawyer concerned (and possibly his patron/supervisor) and asks him to comment on the complaint by means of issuing an internal memo; if necessary, this is also discussed orally.
  3. In principle, the board will settle the complaint within four weeks after the complaint has been received and notify the complainant.
  4. If the complainant persists, the board will invite him for an interview. The lawyer involved is present at this meeting.
  5. If the complainant’s complaint(s) are not resolved during this meeting, the complainant is informed of the possibility of submitting the complaint to the Dutch Legal Complaints Committee. The content of the conversation referred to in point d will in all cases be confirmed in writing by the board to the complainant.

Article 6 confidentiality and no costs complaint procedure

  1. The board and the person about whom the complaint has been made shall observe confidentiality with regard to the complaint.
  2. For the complainant there are no costs attached to this complaints procedure.

Article 7 responsibilities

  1. The board is responsible for handling complaint(s) in a timely manner.
  2. The person who has been complained about will keep the board informed about any contact with the complainant and possible solutions.
  3. The board will keep the complainant informed about the handling of the complaint.
  4. The board will keep the complaint file up to date.

Article 8 complaint registration

  1. The board registers the complaint and the subject of the complaint.
  2. A complaint can be divided into several subjects.